2017 NC Open wrapup
Posted 28 March 2017 to State Championships, Association Croquet by Jeff SooStuart Lawrence, NC Open finalist in 2012 and 2014, is the new NC Open champion. In the final he beat Mike Taylor, appearing in the final for the first time, -10, +12, +26. The players took their time settling in, as the weather progressed from cool and wet to sunny and warm. Nerves were evident both in body language and in playing errors: none of the games was error-free, however the quality did improve as the match went on.
Both of Lawrence’s prior appearances in the final were against Brian Cumming. This time, Lawrence beat Cumming in the block and again in the knockout.
In First Flight, Gene Raymond completed his unbeaten run through the block to claim first place. Chris Barley showed improvement game-by-game and took second with two losses in eight games.
For complete results see croquetscores.com