Email Lists and News Feeds

Posted 7 December 2007 to , by Jeff Soo

New developments on the communications front:

For USCA—NC District members:

We are moving our main email list to a new server. This will improve reliability and make it easier for us to ensure that we are reaching everyone on the list.

We will move our current subscriber list to this new list manually, but we need your help to complete the process. You will be sent a confirmation message, from, and will need to click on a link in it to complete the process. This is to comply with anti-SPAM regulations.

If you don’t get this email but would like to subscribe to our announcement list, please visit our new Subscribe page and enter your name and your preferred email address in the boxes at the top of the page, then click “Subscribe”. Again, you will be sent a confirmation message and will need to click a link in it to complete the registration process.

We strongly encourage all NC District members to subscribe to this new list, which will replace the current mailing list. This is an announcement-only mailing list, used for general NC District items such as tournament schedule and entry announcements, usually just a few times each year.

For all readers of

If you’d like to be notified when new articles and photos appear on, check out the new options on our new Subscribe page. You can choose to get these updates by email list or news feed.

This new list (web-update-announce) is different and separate from the general list (nc-district-announce), so many readers will want to subscribe to both lists.

Or, if you are familiar with news feeds (what’s a news feed?) you can choose that option to get updates directly in your news reader or web browser.