2002 AGM Minutes

Posted 3 September 2002 to , by Kathy Kuhasz

AUGUST 3, 2002
Linville, NC

President Paul Scott called the meeting to order at 9:30 PM.


As each NC Club President received a copy of the Minutes of the 2001 Annual General Meeting, reading of the Minutes was waived. There being no additions or corrections, a motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the Minutes.

President’s Report

Paul Scott reported that success of the State’s organization is credited to the people leading the State Clubs. This year’s Club Teams are almost equal to the National Club Teams. Success of the NC Open (International Rules) Tournament is becoming more and more popular, with some of the State’s top players doing quite well. The President of the USCA, this year, has selected a core team of 5 of the NC top players for the 6-member team to compete with the British Team for the President’s Cup. The players chosen were Bill Berne, Mack Penwell, Jeff Soo, Damon Bidencope, and Paul Scott. Damon is not available to play, so the other 2 members will be selected by the other 4 members on the team.

Treasurer’s Report

Conrad Haas summarized the last 4 years’ financial status, and we have continued our policy of breaking even with little or no net profit from each tournament. Conrad informed us that he would continue as State Treasurer through the end of 2002, but that he would be resigning at that time. John Knott, of Bald Head Island Croquet Club, has accepted the job of Treasurer beginning with the year 2003. Paul thanked Conrad for doing a fantastic job!

Committee Reports

As we have no Standing Committees, no reports were made.

Old Business

Paul Scott informed us that the present Rules & Regulations were out of date and in need of being revised. While Jeff Soo was President, he and his advisory committee worked on revising our Rules & Regulations. Bill Berne made a motion to accept the revised Rules & Regulation, contingent upon mailing a copy to each club, and there were no adverse objections. Carl Siemers seconded and motion was passed.

New Business

A Development Committee is being formed by Gene Young. He is interested in helping clubs with their development, as well as helping new clubs get started. He will be putting together a Strategic & Planning Committee with 6–8 people to encourage growth in the sport of croquet, and give a report for our approval at the next Annual General Meeting in 2003. A motion to form this Development Committee with Gene Young, as Chair, was made by Ed Roberts, seconded by Jim McGill. Motion passed.

The by-laws of the State organization call for a President, and, as he deems fit, a Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Tournament Director. Paul Scott said he would very much like to have a Vice President. A Vice President would not necessarily become the President, as the President of the USCA appoints the NC President, but would fill in and assist the President as needed. Paul said he would like to formalize this request to allow the President to seek and/or appoint a VP. Bill Berne will look at the by-laws for revision to formalize this request. Mack Penwell asked if he would like a recommendation at this meeting for a VP. Mack then nominated Danny Huneycutt for this position. Danny accepted the nomination. Motion was then made to appoint Danny Huneycutt as VP of North Carolina District, seconded, and passed.

Paul Scott mentioned that the NC Singles Championship Newsletter and Entry Form would be going out very shortly. A lengthy discussion was held regarding holding the NC Singles Championship at BHI. Bill Berne expressed concern about getting housing accommodations at this late date, their courts were not in good condition, and there was a question in his mind as to whether or not all flights could be held on just three courts. Chris Christian said that their greens crew had assured him the courts would be in shape by the time of the tournament. Paul Scott requested we keep the tournament at BHI as agreed upon at last year’s AGM, and he assured those present that an omnibus tournament could be held on the three courts at BHI with a staggered start. The BHI members would like to host the tournament, but with 3–4 months’ notice given to members of what accommodations are available with price ranges. Mack Penwell wanted to emphasize he was not soliciting or suggesting a change be made, but that the Pinehurst courts were available if we chose to make a change. Ed Roberts made a motion to move the 2002 NC Singles Championship from BHI to Pinehurst, seconded by Carl Siemers, motion passed.

Locations of next year’s tournaments: Pinehurst will host the Open; Linville will host the Club Teams (but probably will be one week earlier); and the State Singles to be decided upon. A request was made by BHI to host 2 flights. The State organization will look into what can be done to hold an obnimbus tournament at BH next year and see if we can make it work. If not, a separate venue will be arranged for the other flights. Walter Holloway made a motion to check into this possibility, seconded by Bill Berne, motion passed.

Paul requested that if anyone has ever considered running a tournament or would like to find out how to run a tournament, Jeff Soo would be more than happy to teach you to do it well. He is looking for a little help, so if you know of anyone please let him know.

Mary Wilson said there was interest in reviving the CARVA Tournament. The last two weeks in October are available at Pinehurst. Conrad Haas will check to see if a team from VA can be put together and will contact Mack Penwell with the results. If there is interest, a NC team will be put together to compete.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Kuhasz
Secretary, USCA—NC District

Last modified on 12 December 2004