2003 AGM Minutes

Posted 30 August 2003 to , by Kathy Kuhasz

JULY 25, 2003
Linville, NC

President Paul Scott called the meeting to order at 9:00 PM. Paul thanked Danny Huneycutt for all his hard work and effort in making him look very good this past year. He then turned the meeting over to the newly appointed NC District President, Danny Huneycutt. Danny thanked Paul Scott for all the good work that has been done by him and Jeff Soo over the past years, and the success of the State’s organization is a credit to them and to the people leading the State Clubs.


As a notice was sent out that the Minutes of the 2002 Annual General Meeting, as well as the Rules & Regulations and By-laws, are posted on the NC District website for all to review, reading of the Minutes was waived. There being no additions or corrections, a motion was made by Bill Berne, seconded, and approved to accept the Minutes.

President’s Report

This year NC has made quite an impact in the world of croquet, both in the SE Region as well as the Nationals. To name a few of the events, a team of all-NC players competed with the British Team and won the President’s Matches 14 to 1. Our State Champion was Jeff Soo; the State Club Teams Championship was won by Bald Head Island; USCA National Club Teams Championship was also won by BHI for the 2nd year in a row; USCA National Champion was Jeff Soo; USCA National Doubles Champions were Jeff Soo and Paul Scott; USCA Rookies of the Year were Gene Young and Danny Huneycutt; new Club of the Year was Meadows Mallet Croquet Club. Also a big thanks to Jeff Soo for maintaining the NC District website which is a terrific resource for finding out what’s going on in the State. We had one of the strongest fields for the International Rules Open ever this year. We also held an International Rules Open for the 1st and 2nd Flights for the first time this year that was well attended. Eileen Kupstas Soo and Laura Burgin co-organized a NC Women’s Open Tournament that raised over $3,000 for the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Plans are to make this an annual tournament. This year Bill and Billie Jean Berne have been nominated to the Croquet Hall of Fame. They will join two other Hall of Famers from NC, Francis Tayloe and Mack Penwell.

Treasurer’s Report

Conrad gave a very brief report: “We made money!” We started out last year with $3,900, income of $19,000 from the three NC tournaments, expenses of $18,000, leaving a balance for the year 2002 of approximately $1,200. Our bank balance at the end of 2002 was $5,086. We have continued our policy of breaking even with little or no net profit from each tournament. Conrad has, once again, resigned as State Treasurer. Dick Ott has agreed to the appointment of State Treasurer beginning with August 2003. Conrad will assist with the transition and thanked the members for their cooperation. Paul Scott stated that it was important that everyone know that Conrad agreed to step back in as Treasurer for another year when John Knott was unable to keep the job due to family illness. A round of applause and thanks to Conrad for doing a great job!

Committee Reports

Gene Young—Development Committee: Last November a group of NC District members met with basically two objectives: to maintain a current base of croquet players in NC and see about sustaining rapport in NC. One of the things we came up with up with was developing a mentoring program; another thing discussed was interclub play, and developing Club guidelines for making croquet fun. A NC Newsletter was established by Ruthie Windsor-Mann and Lucy Greene with plans to issue it twice a year. To keep expenses down, we would like you to send your e-mail address to Kathy Kuhasz if she does not have yours. A Rules Clinic, held in connection with Club Teams Tournament, was a great success due to Mack Penwell and Bill Berne. One of the things that the Committee developed was a media brochure with basic information about our clubs, where they are located, where to play, etc. Plans are underway to develop a NC insert to be used as a template by other districts. These brochures will be sent to all clubs for distributing to prospective members. Also, have plans to get collegiate croquet underway. In working with the USCA on the communications committee, he has found that NC does an outstanding job of organization and communication. Danny thanked Gene for the tremendous amount of work he has done to further croquet in North Carolina.

New Business

Danny said he would like to fill the position of Vice President. Mack Penwell nominated Gene Young for Vice President; Curt Valentine second, motion passed. Danny also nominated Dick Ott as Treasurer. Bill Berne asked that he be elected by acclamation. Motion passed.

CARVA TOURNAMENT: This is a tournament between North & South Carolina and Virginia & West Virginia. It has not been held since 1999 and this year it will be held at the Etowah CC. They have added another court making a total of three courts. More information will be available on the NC District website. There will be a selection process to match players for the NC team with the handicaps of the VA/WVA team to include both high and low handicaps. It will be held October 31 through November 2.

Locations of next year’s tournaments: Pinehurst will host the Open; not sure if plans have been made for Linville to host the Club Teams, but would definitely like it to be held in Linville again next year; and the State Singles to be decided upon. A portion or all flights will probably be held at Pinehurst, but we are also looking at the possibility of holding possibly two flights at BHI. No decisions, however, have been made at this time.

Jim Seward would like to see more effort put forth by the State in involving 2nd, 3rd, and 4th flight players in tournament play. We have not reached out enough to these players who make up the majority of croquet players. As an example, last year South Carolina had more participants in their singles competition than North Carolina. Danny replied that the number of participants determines the make-up of flights, and he would encourage higher handicaps to enter the State Singles Championship. Danny also said that he welcomes any suggestions on this matter.

Mack Penwell asked the secretary, Kathy Kuhasz, how many participants had signed up for the State Singles. Kathy replied that there were 17 before leaving for the Club Teams. Mack then asked Danny how many flights could be made from 17 players. The answer: 2! The deadline for entering is July 29, and there were suggestions that the deadline be extended. Danny will check and get the deadline extended.

Gene Young suggested that the District consider scheduling a referee class so that more of our people can become Certified Referees. Danny responded that he would look into this, and since we have excess funds in the checking account, perhaps the District would be able to defray some of the instructional expense. It was also mentioned that becoming a Certified Referee tends to make individuals better croquet players.

Jeff Soo and Paul Scott conducted a Croquet School at Pinehurst on June 28-29, 2003. Several players took advantage of the experience and knowledge of these players. A great value for $100 for getting instruction from two National champions!

Conrad Haas shared his comments that NC does not realize how important that what you’re doing here has far-reaching effects. We, in the Virginia District, are using North Carolina as a role model. As a result, we have a District plan for the entire year. We have a Newsletter going out on a quarterly basis, a website that’s just starting up, also we’re having a Club Teams tournament coming up in September, and we’re looking forward to upcoming CARVA tournament. All these events are taking place because of what I have learned and experienced working with you. I look forward to Virginia croquet growing like NC, and I’d like to thank you for what you do and have shared with us.

There being no other new business, Danny adjourned the meeting at 9:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Kuhasz
Secretary, USCA-NC District

Last modified on 12 December 2004