2004 AGM Minutes

Posted 30 August 2004 to , by Kathy Kuhasz

JULY 30, 2004
Linville, NC

President Danny Huneycutt called the Annual General Meeting of the USCA—NC District to order at 8:20 PM. Danny thanked everyone for all their support this past year and reported that it has been a great year and a pleasure serving the NC District.


Reading of the Minutes of the 2003 Annual General Meeting was waived as they have been posted on the NC District website for all to review. There being no additions or corrections, a motion was made by Bill Berne, seconded, and approved to accept the Minutes as published.

President’s Report

The NC District has been very well represented this year not only in NC and the US, but also abroad. For example:

NC is also the home of the USCA—SE Region VP, Jeff Soo. He does a great job of maintaining the NC District Website that is a great resource for what’s going on in NC. Florida hosted the 2003 MacRobertson Shield tournament for the first time it has been held in the US, and Jeff spent several weeks of his personal time in Florida working on this tournament and established a website for reporting daily results. Jeff adds much to croquet on a worldwide basis. A round of applause was given for all his hard work.

Another thing we added this year was more emphasis on playing International Rules. NC has several very good IR players and others have shown an interest in learning to play the game. Clinics for all playing levels were held this year in order that everyone could learn the game. This does not in any way mean that we are trying to replace the American 6-wicket game, but to learn to play the game that is played in competitions across the sea. This year NC hosted an International Rules Test Match between NC and Eastern Canada, which was won by NC. NC also hosted a Test Match between NC and Australia (the #2 team in the world); NC players were matched according to handicap levels of the Australian players who were able to come to the US. NC prevailed against the Australians.

Danny ended his report by thanking and awarding Kathy Kuhasz the “President’s Award”? for all her hard work as secretary for the NC District.

Treasurer’s Report

Danny gave the Treasurer’s report for Dick Ott, who was unable to attend. We began 1/1/03 with $5,086, had an income of $26,380 and expenses of $25,088, leaving a balance of $6,358 for the year 2003. As of 7/24/04, we have a balance of $7,237; however, this does not include all the expenses for the Sextuple Challenge or Club Teams Tournament. It looks like we’ll probably finish the year with about the same balance as the 2004 beginning balance. Danny thanked Dick Ott for his report.

Committee Reports

Gene Young—Development Committee: Gene began by saying more input was needed from the ground up, rather than from the top down. He needs to get more input and feedback from our local clubs. A meeting was held in Pinehurst last November. Issues that were discussed: expanding the Newsletter to a 3rd edition; developing Association Croquet by Danny Huneycutt with clinics to be held at Pinehurst. These clinics were a great success and were well attended by 42 players; Test Matches were held and Danny and Jeff were instrumental in opening up the channels of communication with the International players; also discussed was making the committee more structured. A referee clinic was held at Pinehurst. Another is planned to be held at Linville in September. The NC District will subsidize some of the cost for these clinics. The Sextuple Challenge was a great success; again, we would like some feedback. Another planning meeting will be held at Pinehurst in November 2004. Again, we would like local clubs to submit their needs and ideas as to what the officers of the NC District can do for you.

Old Business

CARVA Tournament: This is a tournament between North & South Carolina and Virginia & West Virginia. It was held last year at the Etowah CC. This year it will be held at Fulks Run in VA. We are looking at mid-October, so watch for more information on the NC District website in the very near future. There will be a selection process to match players for the NC team with the handicaps of the VA/WVA team to include both high and low handicaps. However, if you have a desire to play, please let us know and every effort will be made to add you to the NC team.

The State Singles Championship has been and continues to be a disappointment in the amount of players signing up. As of July 31, there have been only 7 entries. October is a great time to be in Pinehurst so do consider entering! Mack Penwell also wanted to mention that Pinehurst Resorts has given croquet players and/or guests a special room rate of $89 for double occupancy. Please refer to the NC District website to download the special reservation form. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this great offer.

New Business

2005 Tournament Locations:

Open Business

Becky Essick asked for time to address the “higher”? handicap players. At last year’s meeting there was discussion about getting higher handicap players to enter more tournaments. She had always felt that when she got better she would enter, but after hearing the discussion last year, she felt it should be the other way around that, if I entered a tournament, it would help me to play better. This is her 3rd year to play in the Club Teams tournament. There is a tendency is wait until you “get better”? to enter tournaments. Don’t wait—this is where you learn to play croquet. You’ll meet new people, learn new skills, and, in general, begin playing much better. She encouraged all high handicappers to enter and play more tournaments. She entered her first International Rules Tournament, which was held in Hawaii this year—she had never played it before and didn’t have a clue as to how it was played, and really didn’t want to learn it, but she did want to go to Hawaii. So, before going, she attended one of the clinics, found out she loved it, and ended up doing quite well in the tournament. Her advice is to just give it a chance and try it. You might find out you like it!

In closing, Danny thanked the Linville area clubs and their members for allowing us to use their facilities for the Club Teams; Etowah for hosting the CARVA challenge; and Pinehurst for always being there for us. Also, thanks to Ruthie Windsor-Mann and Lucy Greene for their work on the NC Newsletters. And, a sad remembrance of Wayne Synan who added so much to croquet and is sorely missed by the NC District.

Bill Berne asked that a round of applause be given to all the NC District Officers before adjourning the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Kuhasz
Secretary, USCA—NC District

Last modified on 25 October 2005 by Jeff Soo