A Field Guide for Boardkeepers

Posted 16 December 2004 to , by Jeff Soo
Photo by Jeff Soo

by Jeff Soo

NOTE: October 1, 2006

This version is out of date; please see the current version.


This guide is a one-page summary of the rights and duties of the board-keeper in an American-rules game. Please feel free to tack it to the back of your deadness board, or include it in your tournament handouts (but see the copyright notice below). For printing you may prefer the PDF version.

Please note that this is an entirely unofficial document. I am not a member of the USCA Rules Committee and this document has not been officially reviewed by that august body.

Careful readers will notice that I have applied the “what do you do when the striker hits a dead ball” solution to wrong-ball errors also. Okay, the rules don’t actually say so, but it applies equally well in both cases and it just makes sense. Sticklers will want to cross that part out.

Without further ado, here is

A Field Guide for Board-keepers

Copyright notice

Copyright 2004 by Jeff Soo. You may print copies for personal or club use, and you may include it in your tournament handouts, so long as you make no changes to the text. You do not need to credit the author.

Last modified on 3 March 2017