NC District Bylaws

Posted 6 December 2001 to , by Jeff Soo

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The name of the organization is THE NORTH CAROLINA DISTRICT, USCA.


To promote croquet at all levels in the State of North Carolina.


The Advisory Committee shall consist of four members of the USCA residing in the state of North Carolina. They shall be appointed by the President of the North Carolina District. Two members of the Advisory Committee shall serve for a two year term from January 1, 1995 to December 31, 1996. Initially, two additional members of the Advisory Committee will be appointed for a one year term beginning January 1, 1995 and terminating December 31, 1995 (this will allow for staggered two year terms) In subsequent years members will be appointed for two year terms. The Past President of the North Carolina District shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Advisory Committee.


The officers of the North Carolina District shall consist of the President and other officers as may be deemed necessary by the President and Advisory Committee. These officers may be a Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Tournament Director. These officers will be elected from the members of the Advisory Committee.

The North Carolina District President shall be appointed by the President of the USCA. The appointment is at the pleasure of the President of the USCA, but the Advisory Committee may make recommendations to the USCA President. The Advisory Committee may also recommend to the President of the USCA that a new President of the North Carolina District be appointed. (It is expected that the President of the North Carolina District shall serve at least a two year term.)


The President shall be the presiding officer at meetings of the North Carolina District. (S)He shall be the executive officer of the North Carolina District. (S)He shall communicate information, proceedings, and directives from the national office to the USCA members within the North Carolina District. (S)He shall also communicate through the national USCA Executive Committee information, proceedings, and needs of the members of the North Carolina District.

The Vice President (if approved by the President of the USCA) shall fulfill the duties of the President when the President is unable to perform those duties.

The Secretary shall keep all necessary records of the North Carolina District. (S)He shall have custody of all documents and correspondence and keep a record of all meetings of the North Carolina District and the Advisory Committee. It shall be the Secretary’s responsibility to send written notices of scheduled meetings and state tournaments to members of the USCA residing in North Carolina.

The Treasurer shall collect all monies due the North Carolina District. The Treasurer shall collect all entrance fees for state tournaments. (S)He shall deposit funds in a bank approved by the North Carolina District President and the Advisory Committee and make a detailed report of the receipts and disbursements for the year at the Annual Meeting.

The Tournament Chairman shall be in charge of all state tournaments. In consultation with the Advisory Committee and the North Carolina District President, (s)he shall determine when and where all tournaments are held and the format.


Committees may be appointed by the North Carolina District President from time to time as (s)he deems necessary.


All members of the USCA in good standing residing in North Carolina shall be members of the North Carolina District.


The purpose of state croquet tournaments shall be to promote competition between all members of the North Carolina District.


There shall be an Annual Meeting and additional meetings of the North Carolina District held at a time and place to be designated by the North Carolina District President. At least a five day written notice shall be given of the Annual Meeting and additional meetings by the Secretary to all members.


The Order of Business of the Annual Meeting shall be:

1. Call to order.
2. Reading of the minutes of last meeting.
3. President’s report.
4. Treasurer’s report.
5. Report of committees.
6. Old business.
7. New business.
8. Adjournment.


15 members shall constitute a quorum of the North Carolina District for the transaction of business at a duly called meeting.


Two-thirds vote of those present at the meeting, providing a quorum is present, shall be required for passage of any alteration or amendment. Written notice of any proposed amendment shall be given five days prior to any meeting in which there is a vote on an amendment or alteration.


Nothing in these by-laws may be in contradiction to the USCA and any changes in these by-laws must be approved by the USCA.


There shall be rules and regulations formulated by the North Carolina District President and Advisory Committee regarding tournaments.

Last modified on 2 March 2017